food allergens

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Food Allergy is one of the most common allergies that affect men and women regardless of age. It is the condition in which the immune system overreacts to some food substances or their ingredients, triggering the production of antibodies to eliminate the threat.

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Allergies can be inherited or acquired. Individuals may also develop an allergy to a particular food to which they have not been allergic in the past. Common food allergy includes shellfish allergy, dairy allergy, fruit allergy, etc. Correct diagnosis and complete avoidance of the allergic substance are key to preventing anaphylaxis. 

Signs and Symptoms of food allergy:

Usually, upon ingesting the allergic food, the symptoms and signs begin. However, the severity of the symptoms varies from person to person depending upon the immune response. The common symptoms include mouth itching, hives, difficulty swallowing,  breathlessness, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, itchy and watery eyes, angioedema and hay fever. Some individuals develop anaphylaxis with sudden onset of respiratory distress, chest congestion, swollen tongue, and coma.

Insight to Food Allergy Samples/Food allergy panel We Offer:

Trusted by millions of researchers worldwide, Central BioHub continues to be the world's most trusted marketplace for allergy patient samples. We have a proven history of collaborations with renowned pharmaceutical, biotech, governmental, and academic biomedical research institutions worldwide. Central BioHub brings you a plethora of common food allergies samples obtained from people who are allergic to different food substances as follows:

  • Nuts and seeds: peanut, almond, hazel, sesame seed

  • Grains: wheat, rice, rye, spelt wheat, barley, lentils

  • Seafood: fish, crab, prawns, shrimp, lobster, salmon

  • Fruits: apple, apricot, kiwi, peach, strawberry, cherry, banana, raspberry, papaya

  • Vegetables: carrot, celery, potato, tomato, soybean, spinach, green beans, pea, olive

  • Animal food: Beef, milk, egg yolk, egg white, mutton, casein milk, chicken

We offer food allergens tested samples such as human serum and plasma samples collected from the patients diagnosed with food allergy and performed food allergy testing for specific IgE to identify the exact allergens and stored cryogenically at <-18 °C at our partner's biobank. Also, offer samples of patients who are undergoing food allergy treatment. Furthermore, all our food allergy samples are well annotated with detailed clinical information, including the donor's age, sex, ethnicity and are directly available for purchase. Contact our customer management team for further queries and secure your food allergy biospecimens and other allergy specimens today!


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